Saturday, July 09, 2005

Saturdaaaaaaaays without John

I hate Saturdays when John is working. For some reason the day just feels extra lonely. Don't get me wrong, I had a pretty busy day. I spent about 5 hours up at Station 2 painting walls and dusting the five inches of dust, dirt and cobwebs off of the rafters (We have a big PR event next weekend that we have to get ready for). I forgot how heavy antique wooden fire ladders weigh. I know I am going to be feeling it tomorrow. After that I watched some TV, did some weeding, rode my bike and I was still bored! I am boring myself right now talking about it. Luckily, Rebecca saved me by letting me come over and hang out in her yard watching cars go by and talking about not much at all. Driveway people watching has gotten to be my new favorite hobby. I wonder though, will I feel lonely like this once we have a child?

My sister left for Africa today. Even though she lives thousands of miles away from me, I miss her now that she is out of the country. She is going to spending several weeks there taking a class. I hope she has a ton of fun. I will miss our daily email conversations. Take lots of pictures Liz!