Rainy Days.......
It's been pretty soggy around here the last couple of days. This rain isn't even at a tropical storm level and yet Houston somehow seems to flood. We did get a lot of rain in a short amount of time but good grief, I would hate to see what this place would look like if a hurricane hit. Tropical storm Allison was bad enough. I hope that we don't get anything major this year here in our area.
Adoption news, well there really isn't any. A college professor who teaches statistics, and is waiting for her referral, came up with referral statistics. She estimates that those with late December log in dates (that would be us) would not get a referral until January. That would mean we wouldn't travel until March. Of course we can't really bank on anything because China's referral process has really seemed to have gone haywire. We are seriously living month to month.
Funny picture of the moment:

This is a picture of my cousin, my sister and I posing as if we were inside of a picture frame. My uncle popped up out of nowhere and looks like a ghost in this picture. Anyway, it cracks me up.
Adoption news, well there really isn't any. A college professor who teaches statistics, and is waiting for her referral, came up with referral statistics. She estimates that those with late December log in dates (that would be us) would not get a referral until January. That would mean we wouldn't travel until March. Of course we can't really bank on anything because China's referral process has really seemed to have gone haywire. We are seriously living month to month.
Funny picture of the moment:

This is a picture of my cousin, my sister and I posing as if we were inside of a picture frame. My uncle popped up out of nowhere and looks like a ghost in this picture. Anyway, it cracks me up.
Hang in there with time referral blues!
I enjoy the blog! I am a fellow IFS family and look forward to seeing you take the journey before us! LID 4/12
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