Weekend Happenings
It's been a pretty good weekend. We have done quite a bit. Most of my time was spent doing firefighter type stuff. John has been busy studying for that Captain's promotional test.
Friday night our subdivision had snow night. A big truck with snow blowers came to our little park and made snow for the kids to play in. We brought the fire truck out to light up the park since it was after dark by the time the snow was made. It was also a good PR event for the fire department. John got off work early and came by to check things out. Even though it was a fun event, the hour we were there just crept by so slowly. Here are some pictures from the event. Sorry the one of the fire truck is blurry. If our department website gets any pictures in, I will post them.

Saturday I went to the Pasadena Fire Department's Saturday Prayer Breakfast. I was asked to speak about my experiences in New Orleans. Pasadena's chaplain had come down for a few days and helped out, so he thought it would be a great time to share our thoughts with the members of the department. It ended up being a pretty large meeting with two council members, several retired chiefs and a handful of other firefighters showing up. There were a couple of other people who shared their experiences both with Katrina and Rita.
Forest Bend FD, the volunteer department that John and I belong to had a day long live burn training at the League City FD training field. John went for the full day and I came in after my meeting with Pasadena was over. The training field has a special concrete building that is set up as a two story house with a garage. You can practice firefighting techniques in that building because you can set things on fire inside. We burned up Christmas tress from last year, hay bails, and some old furniture. John got the chance to practice pumping on our ladder truck. The last rotation of the day he got to inside and do some firefighting. I helped out with incident command. I had fun but I really miss firefighting. Hopefully I will get some pictures to show soon.
Saturday night we went to Lakewood. John went for the first time. This was my second time. I really love the atmosphere of the church even though it is a mega-church. The worship music is just awesome and I really like Joel Osteen's message. There is a little bit of a TV evangelist feel to it but heck, he is on TV. He seems very sincere and passionate about Christ despite the TV appearance.
Today I finished up a scrapbook I am making for a friend for Christmas. I was procrastinating on it and I wanted to give it to her tonight. I managed to crank out about 10 pages in a couple of hours.
John... of course... has been studying.
Friday night our subdivision had snow night. A big truck with snow blowers came to our little park and made snow for the kids to play in. We brought the fire truck out to light up the park since it was after dark by the time the snow was made. It was also a good PR event for the fire department. John got off work early and came by to check things out. Even though it was a fun event, the hour we were there just crept by so slowly. Here are some pictures from the event. Sorry the one of the fire truck is blurry. If our department website gets any pictures in, I will post them.

Saturday I went to the Pasadena Fire Department's Saturday Prayer Breakfast. I was asked to speak about my experiences in New Orleans. Pasadena's chaplain had come down for a few days and helped out, so he thought it would be a great time to share our thoughts with the members of the department. It ended up being a pretty large meeting with two council members, several retired chiefs and a handful of other firefighters showing up. There were a couple of other people who shared their experiences both with Katrina and Rita.
Forest Bend FD, the volunteer department that John and I belong to had a day long live burn training at the League City FD training field. John went for the full day and I came in after my meeting with Pasadena was over. The training field has a special concrete building that is set up as a two story house with a garage. You can practice firefighting techniques in that building because you can set things on fire inside. We burned up Christmas tress from last year, hay bails, and some old furniture. John got the chance to practice pumping on our ladder truck. The last rotation of the day he got to inside and do some firefighting. I helped out with incident command. I had fun but I really miss firefighting. Hopefully I will get some pictures to show soon.
Saturday night we went to Lakewood. John went for the first time. This was my second time. I really love the atmosphere of the church even though it is a mega-church. The worship music is just awesome and I really like Joel Osteen's message. There is a little bit of a TV evangelist feel to it but heck, he is on TV. He seems very sincere and passionate about Christ despite the TV appearance.
Today I finished up a scrapbook I am making for a friend for Christmas. I was procrastinating on it and I wanted to give it to her tonight. I managed to crank out about 10 pages in a couple of hours.
John... of course... has been studying.

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