I Like Being Married

I was browsing through the library a couple of weeks ago when I happened upon this sweet little book called I Like Being Married, Treasured Traditions, Rituals and Stories by Michael Leach and Therese J. Borchard. I picked it up on a whim and added to my stash of books.
A couple of days ago I finally picked it up. It's such a great inspiration and celebration of marriage. There were stories and quotes from regular couple and celebrity couples. Most everyone mentioned had long marriages. Now a day with marriages seeming to last only a few years and seems to be mocked by the 'mainstream', it's great to find something that talks about it as a great thing.
So I was thinking about all of the reasons I like being married to John. Here they are in random order:
1. I like who I am with him better than without him.
2. He sticks up for me.
3. He goes to bat for me.
4. We love to explore new and old places.
5. He knows how to comfort me.
6. He is a good handyman.
7. He supports me and all of my ideas and will even lend a hand.
8. He lets me have my own space.
9. He is a great friend to my friends.
10. He is affectionate.
11. He is proud of me.
12. He takes good care of me.
13. We have weathered some pretty bad storms and our 'boat' has never capsized.
14. He goes the extra mile.
15. He knows how to say I'm sorry, even to my Mom after a crazy card game. :o)
16. Our own rituals and traditions, including nightly tea.
17. He is good about trying new things or meeting new people.
18. He is a good leader.
19. He tries to make the best decisions possible.
20. He's going to make a great father.
I love you!
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