
I am got some bad news about something today (not about our adoption but it's something I don't want to share in an open format like a blog)and it nearly caused my heart to break. So I called or emailed my closest friends and family to have them pray for me. After a few rounds of tears and few laps around the mall to clear my head and to eat a cinnabon (there is nothing quite like sugar therapy), we went back to the house to clear out the front yard.
I needed some stress relief so I thought we would trim the trees and tackle this thorny bush that I can't stand. As I was hacking away at the thorny bush I couldn't help but think about this situation in my life and how it feels like a thorn in my side. And then that thought brought me to the Bible where Paul talks about the thorn in his side and that he is constantly praying that God would get rid of those thorns. And then I thought about the crown of thorns that Jesus had to endure. Everyone of us humans, even Jesus when he was here on earth, have to endure the thorns of life. I kept thinking about how I wish I could just ignore these thorns and make them go away, but I know they won't. So like Paul, I have to go before my Lord and pray that he will help me deal with this thorn. While a thorn is a terribly painful thing, it is what is bringing me closer to the Lord.
Anyway, please keep me in your prayers.
I have been reading your blog for awhile, sorry I don't post. I will keep you in my prayers. Nicole
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