Maas Nursery
There is this super cool nursery in Seabrook, TX called Maas Nursery. I am not sure how big it is but it has to be at least a couple of acres. It has so many plants and trees for sale but also it has a bunch of junk, statues, rocks, shells, water fountains, and several animal habitats. You could spend several hours there and still not see it all. So we spent some time there and did a little bit of walking.
Mostly we have been window shopping. The mall is still really crowded but we braved it to go check out the sales.
No word on any adoption news. We hope to hear a log in date (LID) pretty soon. I am also hoping to put together a Lifebook group for my area.
Here are some pictures from the nursery:

Mostly we have been window shopping. The mall is still really crowded but we braved it to go check out the sales.
No word on any adoption news. We hope to hear a log in date (LID) pretty soon. I am also hoping to put together a Lifebook group for my area.
Here are some pictures from the nursery:

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