Friends Are The Family You Choose For Yourself

It's Christmas Eve!!!! Merry Christmas to you all!!! Christmas has been so exciting this year. This is our first Christmas in our new home and I am so happy to be spending it here. I just love having a place of our own to decorate any way we wish and have lots of friends and family over.
Today I went to the mall to pick up a couple of last minute gifts for John. The mall was actually very nice. I thought it would be torture trying to find parking and battle the crowds. But I found a great parking spot and got in and out pretty quickly. After that I went to one of my best friend's house to spend some time with her and her family. I just love them so much and we usually spend holidays together because John tends to work either Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, or Christmas on any given year. Spending time with them is like spending time with family. We always end up hanging out and eating way too much and laughing a whole lot.
Tonight I volunteered at our church. The church takes family pictures every Christmas Eve, so I helped with that area. We were so busy but it was pretty fun. John had to work so it kept me doing something instead of being at home by myself. After the services I went to another one of my dear friends' house for a late dinner. We had soups and desserts and just sat around the table and talked. Again these are friends that are like family. I just love to be around them.
Tomorrow John will be home and we will be getting the house ready for my parents to come in from California on Monday. My aunt and uncle will come later in the week. So for Christmas we are going to open presents, clean, and eat lasagna!
Anyway, tonight I was thinking about all of my close friends and how wonderful it is to be blessed with them in my life. My family lives far from me and John works 24 hour shifts and sometimes it gets a little lonely, especially during the holidays. It's so comforting to know that I have friends who treat me as a sister. They always have their doors open for me and I know that I can call them for anything at any time. They have gotten me through some stressful times and have been there to celebrate with us during the good times. I also know that when I am out of town working and John is the one that is left at home by himself, these friends take care of him for me. They truly are like family members.
Anyway to my family and friend families I love you guys so much! Merry Christmas and I look forward to the memories we will make in 2006!
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