New Year's Eve- The Night My Chinese Dad Turned Japanese
Okay so I know you are dying to know the details behind the title of this post but my friend, you will have to wait until the end of the story! First things first!
New Years Eve was such a blast! The whole day was fun. We did some shopping to get the items we needed for our party. So we went to Sams and they had so many samples out. We grazed and grazed on the food. Yum!
My parents are wanting to add strength training to their exercise routine. They do a lot of walking and hiking but they don't do any strength training. I went through a personal training certification class and so I know all kinds of cool exercises you can do with resistance bands and the big rubber ball. So after perusing through the local sports store, we came home and played with the new toys. We had a lot of fun with the rubber balls. It's pretty entertaining to watch people who have never been on one try to balance, especially when it's your own parents. They did promise that when they get back to California that they would do all of the exercises that I taught them. New Year's resolution #1?? Maybe......

Our party was at 6:30 and it started out with just my parents and my aunt and uncle who came in from Tenn and two close friends from church. But then I kept inviting people to come over. I didn't think that all of them would be able to make it because most of our friends have kiddos or are usually invited to other parties. Well, I was so surprised that they were all able to make it! I absolutely love having a house full of the people I love. I really did have my blood family and my friend family. I felt extremely blessed.
We mostly did hamburgers and finger foods. Mom made some salmon, so I grubbed on that. I did cave in to the cheesesticks even though I promised myself I wouldn't eat one. They were so good. Now my dad and uncle like to freak people out with different types of food. They like to watch their poor unsuspecting victims react to the craziness of their food choices. I always went along with them and ended up liking a lot of the crazy food. Well my uncle had brought some crickets over from his Navy tour in Japan. John and I have already been through the torture saga (and didn't like them) and so we were ready to join in on the fun of watching people freak out over the crickets. So my uncle and John put one of the crickets on a cracker and gave it to our friend Scott (who is a picky eater). He boldly ate that thing and didn't give us the satisfaction of a good scream or grossed out facial expression or anything! I was disappointed but we still got a good laugh.

We spent the night playing card games and doing a lot of talking. Most of our friends ended up going home before midnight but we still had a good group to hang out with when 2006 came rolling in. I am so happy that we had such a good party.

Now about the Chinese dad turning Japanese. My parents don't really drink. But of course we had a ton of champagne and some other liquors. My aunt made a champagne mix drink for my dad, who bravely decided to drink it. Well with his first sip he made this hysterically, crazy face because the drink was so strong. My aunt said he looked like he was Japanese. It was so funny!!!! So we have dubbed Jan 31, 2005 the night my Chinese dad turned Japanese. Here is the great picture to prove it.

After all of our guests left, John went into work early so he wouldn't have to go sleep and get up 3 hours later. My parents and I sat up and watched funny videos and looked at funny pictures on this website called Upbeat and Downtown. We laughed so hard for about an hour! You totally need to check out his Random Shtuff link.
Well I will update you with more of our family vacation and some of my goals for 2006 in a later post. I am going to bed early tonight because I am so tired.
New Years Eve was such a blast! The whole day was fun. We did some shopping to get the items we needed for our party. So we went to Sams and they had so many samples out. We grazed and grazed on the food. Yum!
My parents are wanting to add strength training to their exercise routine. They do a lot of walking and hiking but they don't do any strength training. I went through a personal training certification class and so I know all kinds of cool exercises you can do with resistance bands and the big rubber ball. So after perusing through the local sports store, we came home and played with the new toys. We had a lot of fun with the rubber balls. It's pretty entertaining to watch people who have never been on one try to balance, especially when it's your own parents. They did promise that when they get back to California that they would do all of the exercises that I taught them. New Year's resolution #1?? Maybe......

Our party was at 6:30 and it started out with just my parents and my aunt and uncle who came in from Tenn and two close friends from church. But then I kept inviting people to come over. I didn't think that all of them would be able to make it because most of our friends have kiddos or are usually invited to other parties. Well, I was so surprised that they were all able to make it! I absolutely love having a house full of the people I love. I really did have my blood family and my friend family. I felt extremely blessed.
We mostly did hamburgers and finger foods. Mom made some salmon, so I grubbed on that. I did cave in to the cheesesticks even though I promised myself I wouldn't eat one. They were so good. Now my dad and uncle like to freak people out with different types of food. They like to watch their poor unsuspecting victims react to the craziness of their food choices. I always went along with them and ended up liking a lot of the crazy food. Well my uncle had brought some crickets over from his Navy tour in Japan. John and I have already been through the torture saga (and didn't like them) and so we were ready to join in on the fun of watching people freak out over the crickets. So my uncle and John put one of the crickets on a cracker and gave it to our friend Scott (who is a picky eater). He boldly ate that thing and didn't give us the satisfaction of a good scream or grossed out facial expression or anything! I was disappointed but we still got a good laugh.

We spent the night playing card games and doing a lot of talking. Most of our friends ended up going home before midnight but we still had a good group to hang out with when 2006 came rolling in. I am so happy that we had such a good party.

Now about the Chinese dad turning Japanese. My parents don't really drink. But of course we had a ton of champagne and some other liquors. My aunt made a champagne mix drink for my dad, who bravely decided to drink it. Well with his first sip he made this hysterically, crazy face because the drink was so strong. My aunt said he looked like he was Japanese. It was so funny!!!! So we have dubbed Jan 31, 2005 the night my Chinese dad turned Japanese. Here is the great picture to prove it.

After all of our guests left, John went into work early so he wouldn't have to go sleep and get up 3 hours later. My parents and I sat up and watched funny videos and looked at funny pictures on this website called Upbeat and Downtown. We laughed so hard for about an hour! You totally need to check out his Random Shtuff link.
Well I will update you with more of our family vacation and some of my goals for 2006 in a later post. I am going to bed early tonight because I am so tired.
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