Reality is not Real

Yesterday I spent the day on the set of Extreme Home Makeover. They are in Sabine Pass, TX rebuilding an auditorium, and the fire/police station. I was excited about the chance of hanging out on the film set, especially for a show that I liked. I don't watch it that often anymore but I still admired what they did. Man was I dissapointed with the whole thing.
I am not going to go into detail about what I did there. I am going to save that for another post (probably Sunday because we are going back to the set on Saturday). What I will say is how dissapointed I was with the cast, especially Ty. I was dissapointed that the cast didn't stay there during the remodeling. They have like 3 other filmings going on at the same time. So they come in and do their 10 minutes of shooting and then fly off to their next shoot (or wherever else they go). I was there for over 12 hours and we saw the cast twice. ALL of the rebuilding was being done by the hired construction company and their employees.
The cast weren't very friendly, except for one. Their famous bus got stuck in the mud (more of that on the other post too) and me and the guys from my fire department got them unstuck. We did not get a thank you from any of them.
Ty would only take a picture with us after we reminded him that we got his bus unstuck from the mud. Nice huh??
Basically the set was a big construction site. No actors hanging around. What was so ironic to me was, the public sat in their designated viewing area to watch the building while down the street the Army Corps of Engineers were rebuilding another city building. Nobody could care less about the work they were doing. Nobody wanted to sit and watch the Army Corps rebuilding. It's crazy that stardom and celebrity makes something important.
I came away from the experience disinfranchised about the whole thing. I thought the cast would be nicer. I thought they were more involved with the project. I thought it would be differant.
Reality isn't real. I am so over celebrities...not that I was ever that into them to begin with.
Wow, Ty not friendly! My heart just cracked a little. Oh well, at least you were helping someone who deserved it. Hopefully everyone kept that in perspective. I'm sure when you go back, it will be better.
I just wanted to say that I feel the same way. They did one in our town and I personally thought Ty was very stuck up and unfriendly. I am glad I went, but at the same time my "illusion" was ruined. The one they did here same thing the desingners were only around at the beginning and end and Ty had no secret room since he was in another state teling them they were going to be on one. There was also a sign on the front of the house saying no photos and no autographs and I really thought that was rude. I am glad your firestation got rebuilt and I also think it is great that you and your DH are firefighters my parents are too (in their 50's and my boys love it! =)) Anyways, just wanted to say that is how it is just another ratings show and I wish I would not have seen it because it for sure gives a new perspective to the show.
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