Monday, May 01, 2006

America, It's Time to Call a May-Day

In the firefighting industry when a firefighter is in trouble while fighting a fire, they call a may-day. It means they are in trouble and in need of help/rescue. I think that America is in trouble and needs to call a may-day.

This illegal immigration issue has gotten completely out of hand. How is it that a country has become so dependent on individuals who break our laws? How do American citizens become brainwashed to the point that they think it's okay for those who break our laws be rewarded? It makes me so angry that I have to pay a pretty hefty sum of money and fill out a mountain of paperwork and go through a background check just to get permission to bring my not-yet-adopted daughter over from China. How come I can't just plop her down into a plane seat and bring her to this country without all of the governmental red-tape and fees? What makes an illegal immigrant better than me or my daughter? What gives them the right to buck the system and yet we have to wade through the waters of legal immigration? I don't understand this concept of rewarding someone who commits a crime. This is something that needs to stop now or we will be a nation that panders to those who break our laws.

America- get on the radio and call for a may-day. This country is in trouble.


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