Friday, August 05, 2005


I keep losing journal entries and so I decided to create a website for our adoption process. We are officially moving our journal over to Right now, the only link that works is the journal. I hope you like it!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Still Waiting..........

I hate this waiting game! I hate having to depend on someone else to get something done! Our doctor's office still hasn't called us saying that our letters are ready. ARGH! I just want to get those in so we can get our appointments set up with the social worker. When we called the doctor's officer yesterday, they were rude to John and said that they would call us when the letters. My patience is truly being tested.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Second Step Down- Many More to Go

We turned in our homestudy packet today. All together our autobiographies were about 60 pages long. Then we had to turn in copies of all of our certificates, budgets, finance statements, etc. Now all we are waiting on is a letter from our Dr.'s office, hopefully we will hear back from them today. I am also hoping we won't have to come in for an appointment to have them write the letter.

I think we fixed our problem with the police clearance. We went to the Webster PD since we lived there for nearly 9 years and asked them to do a background check for us. They were happy to do one and they were super nice. Plus we didn't have to pay a fee! Woo Hoo!

The agency said that we should hear from our social worker in about a week or so. Then we will start the actual homestudy process. This will be our next hurdle. We have to go through two interviews each. One as couple and one individually. Once that is done we will be cleared to contact INS to get approved to bring a child into the US. Apparently that is a really slow process and we will need lots of prayer for patience.