A Place At Our Table, A Spot On My Chair
Oh, what to say about my dear cat Deuce. Deuce, he is a mixture of frustration and joy for me. He was our first four-legged child when we got married 10 years ago (holy cow has it really been that long?). I found him in a pet store sitting in the middle of the litter box swaying side to side. Apparently his mother had disbanned him from the rest of the litter. He had this helpless little look on his face and I could not bear to leave without him. So he came home in a box with punched out holes. He cried the whole way home. Since then he has been our constant shadow and lap companion even when we don't want him to be. I just love him so much. He always has a place at our table.

Now when I sit on the computer to do my work or to just surf around, Deuce likes to hop into my lap and just chill out. Personally it drives me crazy because he makes it hard to type and he just gets in the way. So last night, I was trying to get some work done and he decides he wants to get on my lap. I kept shoving him off so finally he wedged himself between my back and the chair. I don't know how that was comfortable for him because it sure wasn't for me. I found it hysterical though and tried to take some pictures. Let me tell you, that was not a graceful photo session!

By the way, if you want to see some seriously cute pictures of animals, you need to go check out www.cuteoverload.com. It's such a great website!

Now when I sit on the computer to do my work or to just surf around, Deuce likes to hop into my lap and just chill out. Personally it drives me crazy because he makes it hard to type and he just gets in the way. So last night, I was trying to get some work done and he decides he wants to get on my lap. I kept shoving him off so finally he wedged himself between my back and the chair. I don't know how that was comfortable for him because it sure wasn't for me. I found it hysterical though and tried to take some pictures. Let me tell you, that was not a graceful photo session!

By the way, if you want to see some seriously cute pictures of animals, you need to go check out www.cuteoverload.com. It's such a great website!
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