Dr. Grey or the Real CSI?
Darn it, we missed the last 10 minutes of Grey's Anatomy! We were buried into the couch watching our(or my) Sunday addiction, Grey's Anatomy, when the fire pager went off. Soooooo rude! :o) I was happy to respond though because now we have that magical device called DVR and I hit pause. Wow! Pausing live TV?? How is awesome is that? Anyway, I figured that because the call was a vehicle fire, we would be in and out pretty quickly. No such luck. Murphy from Murphy's Law would wreak a little havoc on me.
We pulled up to the scene only to find that someone had tossed an acid bomb into the back of someone's truck. Come to find out this poor family was also watching Grey's Anatomy when they were rudely interrupted by this act of violence. I am telling you! The nerve of some people!
There wasn't much damage to the truck but we did get to play with the foam unit on the new fire truck. Since it was a criminal act, we had to wait for cops and for the fire marshall to arrive on scene. The fire marshall was on the other side of Houston, so we sat on scene for about 45 minutes and talked Grey's Anatomy, CSI, and other bits and pieces of small talk.
Finally the fire marshall shows up and does his thing. Evidence bagss...little bottles...pictures...sniffing around...statements... It was so much less thrilling than any of the 3 CSI shows (I watch Vegas on a regular basis, used to watch Miami until I got tired of the guy with the badge and cheesy one liners, and NY). I told him I wanted to know answers and have a suspect in custody in 58 minutes. He just laughed. Reality isn't real and apparently neither is CSI. Oh well, as long as I don't have to meet the cast or watch it being filmed, I will continue to be a fan.
We dragged our tired selves back home to watch the last 10 minutes of my show when horror of all horrors, the pause button only works for 2 hours. We were gone for 2 hours and 3 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANG IT ALL TO HECK!!!!!!! So if anyone knows what happens at the end of the show, please be kind to your friendly firefighter and fill me in. :o)
Other weekend events that were thrilling but a lot less frustrating were hanging out with Heidi for the day. We even hit up the snow cone store! I have been waiting for this place to open all season long. This place is my diet in the summer. I even managed to throw together a flower arrangement for her. She wanted one for a dining room table, so I told her I could scrape something together for her. ;oP
We pulled up to the scene only to find that someone had tossed an acid bomb into the back of someone's truck. Come to find out this poor family was also watching Grey's Anatomy when they were rudely interrupted by this act of violence. I am telling you! The nerve of some people!
There wasn't much damage to the truck but we did get to play with the foam unit on the new fire truck. Since it was a criminal act, we had to wait for cops and for the fire marshall to arrive on scene. The fire marshall was on the other side of Houston, so we sat on scene for about 45 minutes and talked Grey's Anatomy, CSI, and other bits and pieces of small talk.
Finally the fire marshall shows up and does his thing. Evidence bagss...little bottles...pictures...sniffing around...statements... It was so much less thrilling than any of the 3 CSI shows (I watch Vegas on a regular basis, used to watch Miami until I got tired of the guy with the badge and cheesy one liners, and NY
We dragged our tired selves back home to watch the last 10 minutes of my show when horror of all horrors, the pause button only works for 2 hours. We were gone for 2 hours and 3 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANG IT ALL TO HECK!!!!!!! So if anyone knows what happens at the end of the show, please be kind to your friendly firefighter and fill me in. :o)
Other weekend events that were thrilling but a lot less frustrating were hanging out with Heidi for the day. We even hit up the snow cone store! I have been waiting for this place to open all season long. This place is my diet in the summer. I even managed to throw together a flower arrangement for her. She wanted one for a dining room table, so I told her I could scrape something together for her. ;oP

I've got the last 3 episodes recorded. I need to catch up. I'll get back to you on the ending or you're welcome to come by and watch.
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