What Not to Watch Before One Flies
Okay, so if you are a nervous, freaked out flyer like I am, these are a couple of things you don't want to watch before your flight:
Anything that has to do with United 93, that include commercial trailers, the website or the whole movie. I FULLY support this movie and I think America's memory is fading but not a good thing to see.

Don't watch any type of current distressed airplane on the news. Yesterday for two and half hours, we watched on the local news a plane that was trying to land at Houston Intercontinental Airport (where John works). It had blown out it's tires as it was taking off. It had to burn off fuel before it landed so it just circled Houston for a couple of hours. Everything was being played out on all of our news channels. John wasn't working so of course I had to get a play by play of what was happening. About a zillion emergency crews were out there. Comforting but then again not really so much... I told John if I was on that plane he would need to have an ambulance on standby because I would take my whole bottle of valium. Of course I prayed hard and the plane landed perfectly. I still panicked and am now dreading my plane ride in two weeks. Note to self, don't watch a possible plane disaster in the making before flying.

On a much more positive note. I wanted to share what John did for me on my flight out to Indi. He was working that day. His station is centered on the taxi-way where the planes take off. He dropped me off at the gate and hurried back to the station. As we were throttling down the runway, I saw his station. He had pulled his truck out onto the driveway and had the boom up in the air with the light on. He was going to squirt the water but a smaller plane was taking off too and he didn't want to knock them out. It was so cool and I got a little teary eyed. It's an honor when a fire truck positions like that. They usually do that for pilots who are retiring. This was better than getting roses (although conffetti roses are still good once in a while ;OD) Here is what it looked like. Thanks babe!!
Anything that has to do with United 93, that include commercial trailers, the website or the whole movie. I FULLY support this movie and I think America's memory is fading but not a good thing to see.

Don't watch any type of current distressed airplane on the news. Yesterday for two and half hours, we watched on the local news a plane that was trying to land at Houston Intercontinental Airport (where John works). It had blown out it's tires as it was taking off. It had to burn off fuel before it landed so it just circled Houston for a couple of hours. Everything was being played out on all of our news channels. John wasn't working so of course I had to get a play by play of what was happening. About a zillion emergency crews were out there. Comforting but then again not really so much... I told John if I was on that plane he would need to have an ambulance on standby because I would take my whole bottle of valium. Of course I prayed hard and the plane landed perfectly. I still panicked and am now dreading my plane ride in two weeks. Note to self, don't watch a possible plane disaster in the making before flying.

On a much more positive note. I wanted to share what John did for me on my flight out to Indi. He was working that day. His station is centered on the taxi-way where the planes take off. He dropped me off at the gate and hurried back to the station. As we were throttling down the runway, I saw his station. He had pulled his truck out onto the driveway and had the boom up in the air with the light on. He was going to squirt the water but a smaller plane was taking off too and he didn't want to knock them out. It was so cool and I got a little teary eyed. It's an honor when a fire truck positions like that. They usually do that for pilots who are retiring. This was better than getting roses (although conffetti roses are still good once in a while ;OD) Here is what it looked like. Thanks babe!!

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