Sorry for the problems with the Blog folks! It looks like someone decided to hijack it for a while. Luckily Blogger came to the rescue and got it back from those evil people. I am soooooo not a Mariah Carey fan or an M.J. fan. Puhlease! So I have my gift of gab back. I am planning on looking into a paid blog so this doesn't happen again. I am going to be doing some research.
So while I was crying in my milk about this whole hijacking, I was having some of these yummy goodnesses:

Is this not the cutest cookie? I am pretty sure it's loaded with tons of fat and chemicles that were banned in high school chemistry class but they were so good. I had a sliver of the cookie.

This cake was from my friend's daughter's birthday party. This is a bunch of cupcakes that have been frosted together. Isn't it just precious??? So many ladybug sitings lately. I only hope they are bringing some good luck our way!
More about our 4th of July celebration tomorrow. It's getting late.