There are dishes piled high in the sink, empty ornament boxes scattered throughout the house and a load of laundry that needs to be done; and yet I sit here in front of the computer because I think it's more important to tell you about our Christmas decorating. I guess the dishes and the clothes won't go anywhere, but I am about to lose the animals amongst the holiday decorations debriet.
Since it was rainy on Saturday and I was still feeling pretty under the weather with this cold I have, we decided to do our decorating on Sunday. This is our first Christmas in our new home and we are super excited! We are hoping that next Christmas we will have a little one to celebrate with.
Every year we have a themed tree. Although last year we didn't do any decorating because we thought we were going to be going to Tennessee for Christmas. Instead, I had to work a firefighter funeral, so we had to stay home. I am determined to go all out this year. Back to the theme...this year we decided on a Texas theme since my parents and aunt and uncle will be here. We wanted to give them a good ol' down home Texas Christmas.
We ran all over kingdom come to find a tree. Our usual spot had a terrible selection and our second choice was super expensive. We ended up battling the mall crowds and headed over to Lowes Hardware. They had an awesome selection and even better prices. I think we have found a new 'usual' spot to buy a tree from now on.
John got the lights on the house and I got the tree up and decorated and the wreath made. Afterwards we posed for pictures in our cowboy hats. Here are some pictures of our adventure. I hope you like them!