The past few days have been blurred by the humidity in my house. Our air conditioning went out over a week ago and we have been fighting with our insurance company and the repairman to fix it. Just when we thought relief from the horrible heat was right around the corner, the new unit went out just hours after it was installed. Needless to say, we sweated our way through the 4th of July holiday weekend.
So how did we spend those days basking in this oven called Texas? Saturday, John and I hung out with our volunteer fire department at an old fashioned picnic in the park. Forest Bend FD sponsored this public relations event with one of the homeowners associations in our community. We managed to convince Rebecca to stop cleaning her house and to come partake of our suffering in the heat. She showed up with her kiddo and husband. We stuffed ourselves silly with hotdogs, cotton candy, and icees. Despite the heat, we had a blast. I almost can't wait until next year.

Monday was the BIG parade in Friendswood. Our department had several fire trucks in the parade. I somehow managed to score a coveted seat inside of the air-conditioned Ladder 126. I am so glad that I did! My biggest fans (John, Rebecca and the fam, Scott & Elisa) came out to cheer me on and make me feel like a local celebrity. There were many people who kept pointing at me and telling their kids to look at the 'girl firefighter.' It was such a cool thing and a small...okay BIG ego boost! I promise I won't let it get to my head.

In the past couple of weeks, I got to spend some time with some politicians. I am trying to learn as much as I can about the Republican Party and why I share beliefs with this particular party. My freedom is very special to me and the Republican Party is whom I share my values with the most. I had lunch with the First Lady of Texas, Anita Perry, two weekends ago. I am an Advisor on a committee for Governor Rick Perry in regards to firefighters. Hearing his wife speak was such a neat thing. Tonight I was invited to a meeting with Congressman Tom Delay. It was so great to see him and hear him speak in person instead of on the news. He has had such controversial issues that have been blown out of proportion in the last few years. To actually hear his story from his own mouth was enlightening to say the least. He is a strong Christian man and I admire his stance on many issues.
Tonight, John and I watched the National Geographic special on The Lost Girls of China. It's about how Americans are adopting the unwanted girls in China and how the problem of population control is wreaking havoc on the country. I was so sad to see this problem occurring but I was so excited to see the couple receiving their precious daughters. I can't wait until I am in their position! I can't wait to go to China with John and pick up our daughter. Right now it seems so unreal, so far away. I just pray that this process goes quickly. I am such an impatient person!