Here we are less than four days from Christmas and five days from my parents coming to visit and I am so not ready! We ran all over Houston today trying to get things to get the house ready. We really aren't doing presents this year, just a couple of small things. We feel that our house, the baby, and our family are all the blessings that we need this Christmas.
Last night we did driver training for fire department training. Our station has the ladder truck, which is pretty darn big. Of course John can drive the heck out of that truck because his work truck (airport fire truck) is bigger. Me? Well I haven't ever driven anything bigger than a vintage fire engine. I was so freaked out about driving that thing. I did it though! I had such a ball. I did kill a cone though. We had set up a driving course in the high school parking lot with cones. Everyone else drove through it without hitting the cones. I just drove forward, made a few easy turns and somehow managed to run one over. I was joking that since I was the chaplain that I should get out and do last rites.
I wanted to share some of the books I am reading about adoption in case any of are interested. I got hooked on reading some of the message boards on Yahoo but they got pretty overwhelming for me and I had to stop reading them. I made a promise to myself and my sister that I wouldn't read the big message boards until I was at least DTC. The rumors and some of the negative talk on the boards made me so anxious. Once I stopped reading the boards I started reading more books and they have helped me regain focus on what we need to do as couple to prepare for our little one. The stories in the books and magazines have been inspiring too. Now that I am DTC, I still shy away from some of the bigger boards but I have found a couple of great ones that are great networks. Anyway here is a list of the books:
Becoming a Family by Lark Eshleman- Highly reccomend and has great info on attachment issues
Born In Our Hearts by Filis Casey and Marisa Casey- Inspiring stories of adoptions. Fast read for me!
Raising Adopted Children by Lois Ruskai Melina- Still working on this one but it has tons of good information on bonding, attachment, identity, etc.
Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew by Sherrie Eldridge- Just starting this one.
The magazine
Adoptive Families- LOVE LOVE LOVE this! One of these days I am going to get the subscription to it...although it does give me an excuse to go to the book stores!
If you have a suggestion of any good books please
email me! I would love to hear about them.
And here are some more pictures from our Christmas activities with the fire department.