Pet Pillow & Self Portrait Tuesday

I got tired of staring at my computer screen last night so I laid down on the office floor. As soon as I did that my dog Chief came and laid down next to me and put her head on my shoulder. She never does that! Usually she has this conspiracy theory that I am going to put flea medication on her or try to give her bath whenever I get on her level. So it was pretty funny that she just came and laid next to me.
No sooner than Chief laid down, Deuce my cat miandered over and decided to lay on my stomach. What am I a pet pillow or something?
I watched Dr. 90210 last night which is a show about these doctors in Beverly Hills that do plastic surgery. I have seen the show a few times and it just hits a nerve everytime I see it. I can't believe how many people are so unhappy with their looks that they would resort to surgery to fix it. Every once in a while I wish I could fix certain things that I don't like about my body. I think everyone probably has those dreaded spots on our body that we would just magically like to dissapear. But I keep thinking how cosmetic surgery is screwing around with God's creation. Everyone wants to look like a Barbie doll and it's so sad.
Now don't get me wrong. I believe in cosmetic surgery for those who have been disfigured either by an accident or because of genetics. I am just not too thrilled about people who already look fine wanting to play god with their bodies.
Self Portrait Tuesday

Self Portrait Tuesday is a really cool blog about self expression and self exploration. They have a theme each month and you take or find pictures of yourself that revolve around that theme. January's theme is Personal History. I decided to post this picture because it is a picture of me acting in a training film about me and my history as a firefighter. In this picture I am featured with my body double. She is the one on the left. We look a lot a like don't we? HAHA! It was so wierd watching someone play me but it was so cool to watch my story and my personal history being filmed.